Alpha Omega Labs
If you have any questions or comments concerning anything you read on this page, please email us.
Note that all purchasers will be required to sign this agreement prior to Alpha Omega Labs shipping any units. For your own protection, please observe this particulars of this document. Do not sign it and then disregard the constraints it provides for.
Emag+ Disclaimer Statement / Agreement
I have read the Owner's Manual for the Emag+ and agree to the safety, liability and "make no claims" statements as describe in that manual. I am experimenting of my own "free will" and realize I bear all risk and liability. I will exercise caution and will not make curing or healing guarantees about this device. I agree that if others use my machine they will sign this same disclaimer and that any money received from others must be understood as a donation to on-going research. I recognize that this device is an experimental frequency generator.

Name (print) Signature Date

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