Blood Electrification

This is a means of putting small unfelt
safe amounts of electricity into the blood (via wetted cloth electrodes placed over the arteries) to disable viruses and bacteria from being able to reproduce. In patent #5139684, laboratory results were listed which showed that 100ua of electric current was sufficient to reduce the infectivity of the HIV-1 virus by 99%.

Treatment Means
A Microbe Electrifier (or other similar blood electrification device) is used to gently cause current to flow through select arteries by the application of low voltage to 1 inch long cloth electrodes held in place over arteries by elastic straps. Self treatment starts at 10 minutes daily and over a 1 month period increases to 1 hour daily which is sustained for the second month.

What this means to you in layman terms is that daily treatment with a blood electrification device can render you free of any virus and/or bacteria infecting your body within 2 months.

Lateral treatment
If the infection is extensive then the microbes will probably also be in the lymphatic fluids which will require the use of a Magnetic Pulser which forces the stagnant lymph fluid to circulate into the bloodstream where the microbes can be zapped by the electricity from the blood electrification unit. Without the use of a Pulser you may only get temporary beneficial results from blood electrification since microbes hiding out in the lymph fluid will gradually creep back into the blood after you have ended your 2 months of treatment which means you may have a relapse of the systemic infection.