Alpha Omega Labs
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Note that "Lab Notes" are posted by Alpha Omega researchers and none of its content
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Lab Notes : H3O & Insect Bites
"In using the H3O concentrate, we have noticed that the application of the straight solution (i.e. undiluted) is effective on hornet, bee and mosquito bites. Usually two applications stops the swelling and pain."

The chemical composition of toxins and the range of individual response to them would suggest that its doubtful that H3O will ever work as a universal treatment for all insect bites. Nonetheless, the responses we have received from users so far suggests that it will work to quickly reduce swelling and pain in a high percentage of users for the most common types of insect bites.

Notable Comments
"We have had two incidents where people were bitten by brown recluse spiders. Bites from these spiders caused large ulcers to form and massive secondary infections were common, most requiring surgery. One of these individuals had been previously bitten ten years earlier. The bite resulted in a 1.5 to 2" ulcer forming and had to be surgically removed. It took over six months for this bite to heal over. After being bitten this time, the wound was irrigated with H3O every four hours. The swelling was minimal. A small ulcer did form (approximately 3/8"). This was treated with an H3O soaked dressing (10 to 15 min.) several times a day for approximately one week. The swelling and redness went away after two weeks and after thirty days, the wound healed over completely."

"Several people were bitten by ground hornets. When H3O Concentrate was placed on the bite, pain and swelling went away after several hours.