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Aging & Chelation The Silent Threat: Subclinical Toxic Metal Exposure
Chelatox: Same Formula - Lower Price

Find Your Risk Factor

Medicardium package To find your statistical risk factor, find the chart in each column below that corresponds to your blood type. On the bottom of the chart (click to enlarge), find your age group. The purple column represents your current accumulated risk of death by heart disease (left column) or cancer (right column) without chelation (1). The smaller blue column presents your risk of death by cancer (right column) after 15 chelation sessions. Chelation has been shown to decrease one's risk of dying by heart attack by 86%, and cancer by 90%.

Medicardium (10 suppositories) -- $ 99.95 [ Order ]

LEGEND: = Risk Without Chelation = Risk With Chelation
Heart Disease


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