The Fundamentals

Diarrhea is a change in normal bowel habits characterized by frequent passage of loose, fluid stools. This is common with most gastrointestinal disturbances. Acute diarrhea is marked by a sudden onset. Often, mild to moderate diarrhea is associated with antibiotics when the antibiotics destroy normal flora in the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea can also be caused by emotional stress, laxatives (factitious, or self-induced), hormonal abnormalities from such disorders as carcinoid syndrome or certain types of pancreative adenomas, or E.coli, usually experienced by travelers. More commonly, diarrhea is caused by the diet, inflammation or irritation of the intestinal mucosa, or gastrointestinal infections. Additionally, dysenteric diarrhea (dysentery), characterized by mucous or bloody stools, is generally caused by bacterial or viral infection or infestation by protozoa or parasitic worms. Symptoms of dysentery include abdominal pain, tenesmus, and stools with blood or mucous.

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Traveler Medicine: Diarrhea
here are many causes for diarrhea and dysentery including food poisoning, laxatives, stress, antibiotics, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Even too much vitamin C can cause gastrointestinal disturbances. The best way to handle diarrhea is to (1) drink lots of fluids so that the body doesn't become dehydrated; (2) lay off solid foods for 12-24 hours or at least avoid raw fruit, vegetables, and whole-grain cereals; (3) eat bananas, yogurt, and white rice; and (4) take herbal supplements that are proven to fight diarrhea and dysentery and their causes.
Most effective in combating diarrhea and dysentery are healing clays. The active ingredient in Kaopectate®, for instance, is kaolin -- a product we carry, as well. In addition to kaolin, our users also see results in using Microflora Restore to improve intestinal flora.
Certain herbal extracts, available from our Phyto Rx line are helpful, as well. Bilberry is good in a tea decoction for diarrhea. The quinones in Pau d'Arco bark have been found effective against numerous disease-causing organisms, including Staphylococcus aureus, and dysentery. An infusion of Wild Cherry bark has been used as an astringent in diarrhea, while compounds contained in Saw Palmetto effectively helps those suffering from diarrhea or dysentery. Native American peoples from Florida have used infusions of the berries from Saw Palmetto for thousands of years to treat stomach aches and dysentery. Saw Palmeto contains volatile oil, fixed oil, glucose, and free acids. The fruit from Yellow Dock acts as an astringent against dysentery, but the root has mild laxative effects, so be sure to take only the seeds in case of diarrhea or dysentery. Because of its high astringency, Uva Ursi is often used to treat diarrhea and reduce intestinal irritation.
These products are available from our Virtual Store. Our liberal Money Back Guarantee applies.
Note: This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the use of a qualified health care professional. We strongly recommend the use of a physician for the diagnostic phase of any treatment. With an accurate diagnosis in hand, we believe the consumer, at that point, has a basic, unalienable right to seek out factual information on all therapeutic approaches, both orthodox and alternative, and choose those approach(es) that are right for them. Nonetheless, a "good doctor" should be considered a requisite starting point.

To U.S. Users: None of the products mentioned on this page have been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration; therefore, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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