Government House
Visiting us
in Nassau
or seeing
Dr. Ingraham

Although we make our home in Nassau and we invite people to visit the islands, we do not offer tours through our administrative offices. When visiting the islands, we direct our guests to visit either one of two clinical offices that are well versed in using our escharotic products (i.e. Cansema and CanSupport products), which is the primary purpose most people come to see us offshore. If you happen to be going to Freeport, be sure to call Dr. Eric Brown (M.D.) at the Sunrise Medical Centre. If you are visiting Nassau, you can visit Dr. Ingraham (pronounced "iNG ' grum") at his offices downtown. Here is his contact information: Map of Nassau and directions to Michael Ingraham's
Michael Ingraham, M.D.
76 Mackey Street
Office: (242) 394-8866

If you are new to Nassau, use the map at right (click to enlarge) to find his offices. Simply stated, you just head east on Bay Street (the "main drag" downtown) until you get to a 4-way traffic light with a gym on the right. If you turn left at the light, you'll be headed over the bridge and off to Paradise Island. If you turn right, you'll be headed south on Mackey Street. So, turn right on Mackey Street from Bay. The next light is a one-way (West-running) street named Shirley. Go straight through Shirley and Dr. Ingraham's medical clinic is in a blue building about a mile down the road on the right hand side, just over a small hill.
We recommend making an appointment with Jeanette (his assistant) before visiting -- just as you would any other appointment to see a physician.

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