The Fundamentals

"Diabetes" (Gr. "passing through") is a general term for diseases marked by excessive urination. The term, in general usage, usually refers to one type, arguably the most common form, diabetes mellitus, (although there are other forms, such as "diabetes insipidus" with substantial sufferers.)
"Mellitus" is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. It is marked by hyperglycemia and glycosuria and results from inadequate production or use of insulin. Orthodoxy divides mellitus into two groups, based on their "syndromes, Type I, insulin dependent diabetes (IDDM), and Type II, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). In type I, the patient secretes no insulin, such that insulin must be administered to counter this deficiency. In the past, this form of diabetes was called "brittle diabetes, juvenile-onset, or ketotic. In type II, insulin is produced, but exogenous insulin is still needed to control hyperglycemia. Former terms for this type were maturity-onset, nonketotic, and stable diabetes. Type II occurs with far greater frequency than type I and is most common among those over 40 years of age.
Symptoms: Some of the main symptoms are elevated blood glucose (hyperglycemia), excessive urine production, excessive thirst, glucose in the urine, an increase in appetite, and itching, frequently in the genital area. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease triggered by a nonspecific viral infection that inflames cells in the pancreas. Most common of these infections are caused by rubella, mumps, or flu.
Etiology: Type I is an autoimmune disease triggered by nonspecific viral infections that inflame the pancreas. The most common infections are caused by cytomegalovirus, mumps, flu, or rubella. Although the exact mechanisn is still unclear, the inflammatory process seems to stimulate the beta cells to produce slightly abnormal class I histocompatibility locus antigens (HLA). Lymphocytes recognize these antigens as invasive and set about to destroy them, releasing more beta cell proteins that can make additional HLA and stimulating an ongoing immune response that eventually destroys all the beta cells producing insulin. The HLA's in the pancreas are determined genetically. Because most patients with IDDM have HLA-DR3, HLA-DR4 or both, the tendency to develop an autoimmune response and subsequent IDDM is considered hereditary. IDDM may occur at any age but is usually diagnosed before age 30.

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this page focuses primarily on the most common type: diabetes mellitus

Hydroxide T
he focus of our work at Alpha Omega Labs in the diabetic area has been on undercutting the acidosis associated with diabetes mellitus. Called "ketoacidosis", or more specifically, "diabetic keratosis, orthodoxy has chosen to teach, to this point, that ketoacidosis is the result of an absence of insulin. The acidosis part seems correct, if you check the systemic pH readings of diabetes sufferers, you consistently find pH values well below 6.4.
Alpha Omega dared to ask the unthinkable, "What if the acidosis itself was causally connected to pancreas inability to produce insulin?" ... or "Could acidosis, as opposed to viral infections, be a prime culprit in suppressing or destroying the pancreatic beta cells that product insulin?" ... or more directly, "If you treated acidosis as if it were a leading contributor and not a by-product, and actually corrected the problem, would blood glucose follow and subsequently normalize?"
Our findings, to date, are a resounding, "Yes." Not only have we not found one single case where HRx did not quickly (within days) raise the pH of the diabetic to ranges that were in the mid-6.0's, but we have yet to find a case where the blood glucose did not fall precipitously - normally from 200 mg/dl and higher to levels that average around 120 mg/dl. This is an astonishing finding that requires much additional research. Also, this observation does little to either confirm or rule out our initial theory. Whatever the physiological or metabolic mechanisms employed, the fact is, some of our test cases of "stable diabetes" claim that they no longer need to take insulin. We feel this is an encouraging start and further research may show that pH control is a far better way of handling many cases of diabetes mellitus than through insulin.
This product is available from our Virtual Store. Our liberal Money Back Guarantee applies.

Note:This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the use of a qualified health care professional. We strongly recommend the use of a physician for the diagnostic phase of any treatment. With an accurate diagnosis in hand, we believe the consumer, at that point, has a basic, unalienable right to seek out factual information on all therapeutic approaches, both orthodox and alternative, and choose those approach(es) that are right for them. Nonetheless, a "good doctor" should be considered a requisite starting point.nt.

To U.S. Users: None of the products mentioned on this page have been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration; therefore, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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