The Ashwin
The Ashwin is a regular webzine for ΑΩ Labs' customers -- June / July, 2003 Edition
Formatted to 700 pixel width in this issue.
Related Links: Ashwin Archives Letters to the Editor - (Submissions)

To Our Readers in the U.S. -- The products/devices mentioned on this page, and the information presented herein, have not been examined or evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Adminstration. Therefore, these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

New Testimonials: Our reader/users are always interested in what experiences others are having. This month we've gotten around to adding (or beginning) testimonial updates to the Cansema, Omega III Dentifrice, and Prologue pages. We wish to remind those who wish to enter their own comments, that we have a testimonial submissions page.

"Emag+" To Be
Introduced This Month
Throughout the month, we will be posting information concerning the introduction of the Emag+ machine on the site and this issue of the Ashwin.
This entire area has been an area of intense focus for us, and we have been carefully about what we add to our site and what we expose our readers to. Two years ago we visited the offices of Dr. Raymond Brata in Tampa, Florida -- who personally worked under Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist of great note who, as many of our readers already know, was widely reported to have created a device that cured cancer. Like Wilhelm Reich, Dr. William F. Koch, and so many others -- Rife's work was, of course, totally suppressed, his laboratory burned to the ground. The documentation, in this regard, is quite extensive -- as is the basic principles behind his technology, although no one knows Rife's exact specifics (though many connected to him have made a fortune trying to convince the public that they do).
Dr. Brata was working (and to the best of knowledge still does) in an area of John Crain technology and was pushing a version of the Energy Wellness machine. Our problem with it? At best, it is yet another marginal machine -- and it certainly doesn't resemble Rife's technology in its details.
There are many people today who use the name "Rife" in their work, and most of these individuals are tooling in an area that comes from John Crain, another Rife protege who has done well by cashing in on the name. Alpha Omega Labs has purchased over a dozen machines that in some form or fashion have come from this same questionable lineage.
We took none of their offers to sell their machines --- and this is because, more than any other reason, their goods were questionable in performance.
None of this should be interpreted as "shaudenfraude" --- and, in fact, it is with considerable sadness these many years (about 15) that we have watched Food & Drug officials essentially torch one operation after another -- not that a great many of them didn't deserve it.
Today there are many hundreds of pages of information on the internet about Rife and his work. We know. We've read most of them. In the end, we decided to go it alone, work with an electrical engineer in the U.S. who has devoted his life to this quest --- only this time, we encountered a most curious twist ...
What will REALLY gall the orthodox community who can't stand those who work in energy medicine, is that the Emag+ is the first unit we are aware of that has actually drawn its inspiration from the U.S. Food & Administration's own lab work. The elimination of pathogenic micro-organisms in foods -- (a particularly acute problem with many animal protein products) -- falls squarely under the supervision of the one agency that has done more to suppress the application of this technology to clinical treatment than any other. And yet it is this very same technology that they are pushing in the area of sanitation. People who don't see the enormity of this "non-sequitor" soon will --- in the starkest of terms. The most exciting development in electronic medicine can be traced to scientific studies conducted under "Food & Drug's" own roof. This is one irony that could turn into quite an embarrassment.
By June 15th, we will have extensive information on Emag+ for your perusal, including lab notes, a complete Operator's Manual, clinical work done to date, etc.
For legal reasons, everything on the site will be geared towards experimenters and we highly advise that none of our resellers make any therapeutic claims whatsoever.
The Emag+ will come with training tapes and unlimited customer service, and will retail for $1,995. Practitioner discounts will apply.

Note to our Readers: This is 9th edition of the 2nd year of our Ashwin (pronounced "Ah-sh' win"), covering June and July, 2003. Previous editions are archived. If you have questions, email us.

CanSupport 'Bundle'
Change Made
The CanSupport Bundle, which now includes three items: (1) CanSupport (tonic), (1) Cansema Tonic III, and (1) HRx (8 oz.), is being changed due to clinical feedback made from the field.
The CanSupport Bundle price will remain the same but now include four items: (1) CanSupport -- in capsule form, still a 30 day supply; (1) Cansema Tonic III, (1) HRx (8 oz.), and (1) Cansema Capsules.
If you have any questions, please let us know.

Raiza Creme 'Raiza Creme' Added
We don't make this particular product, but we negotiated a good price and made the decision to carry it. It's new on the market, it's effective, and it has an excellent price point. We don't want our resellers going around telling people we've found the cure for wrinkles, liver spots, and other topical signs of aging -- there appear to be enough 'beta testers' on this product going around doing that now. Just tell them to TRY IT... and do read the specifics. ----- -----

Anti-Plague - 8 oz. <<< Anti-Plague --- This is one we couldn't leave alone. If there is one maintenance formula we won't do without besides Dewormer (most of us prefer the 'Glycerine extracted' version), it's this one. Originally the result of some off-handed comments by Dr. Christopher, the basic formula has been around for many years and under different names. (We like to be historically accurate, which is why we give credit to Dr. Christopher®). See product page for more details.

Artemis II
Artemis II --->>>

We received comments from some of our users (particularly breast cancer patients who have keeping up with Dr. Henry Lai's work on the cytotoxicity of artemisinin - especially to breast cancer cells - at the University of Washington), who wanted a less expensive product. Our original Artemis comes from a proprietary formula in China, and incorporates all three known medicinal combinations of wormwood extract: artemisinin, artesunate, and artemether. However, for some individuals, the isolated artemisinin is sufficient in itself. This product meets the request of those customers who have, therefore, requested the isolated extract in capsule form.

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© 2001-2003 Alpha Omega Labs • Nassau, Bahamas • All rights reserved. This page posted : 6/2/2003. Updated 7/17/03.