April, 2021 Update: The "Black Salve" book is still
available in the Greg Caton site store.
It is a "how to" book covering the use of escharotics, in general, and Cansema (i.e. Black Salve),
in particular. It also contains a comprehensive history of escharotics.
Click here
to read the Introduction and Chapter One. Any questions about the book itself
can be addressed to the author at greg@gregcaton.com.
 Recently, a significant upgrade was made to
Cansema pain management page. It now contains
additional information on Kratom, in addition to the
information we had already provided on Amazonian ant tinctures.
We are currently adding additional pages about superior grades of cannabis oil.
Look for yet another upgrade in May.
Prior Notices:
All variations of Cansema® are now available from our online stores.
Please note that our salves are sold as "Amazon Black Topical Salve" in
the U.S. and Canada through herbhealers.com.
Practitioners: "Clinical size" jars are
now available for all variations for just $59.95 before applicable discounts.
At 102 g. (3.6 oz.), the new size nearly five times the content of a our
traditional 22 g. jar. (The photo below gives an idea as to
proximate difference in size).
 As reported in
the April, 2009 issue of the
Ashwin, read our rebuttal to
Quackwatch's preposterous attack on escharotic preparations.
 In the last few years, the attacks
against escharotics by vested interests have become more vociferous and the
claims more outrageous and disconnected from reality. In response, please
read our article,
"Official" Medical Science in Retreat
(Jan., 2020).
 If you want to know the
REAL history of Cansema® -- plus get valuable formulary
information, read Meditopia® at
Cansema® Introduction / Product Variations:
Adjunctive Wound Healing Products:
Testimonial Links:
Related Links & Articles:
Cansema® Black Topical Salve (Original)
Code 800 -- Price: $24.95 --
Net Wt.: 0.77 Oz. (22 g.)
Amount sufficient to take care of 5 to 10 cancerous
lesions in the 2 cm. diameter range

This site contains background information, user instructions,
and technical support material on the skin cancer treatment
system, Cansema. If instructions are followed,
Alpha Omega
guarantees 100% success in the removal of dermal or epidermal
malignant lesions, including basal cell, squamous cell epitheliomas
and even melanomas -- regardless of type or size... or
the treatment is free and payment is refunded. (See
Note: Our end users
in the U.S. must be guarded in not accepting any therapeutic or curative statements about this product,
since no escharotic formula has ever been approved by the U.S. Food
& Drug Administration, despite over 150 years of successful use by
various parties and communities within that country. We have
a separate page that provides the reasons
for this sad development.)

Although designed for self-administration, Cansema is not
a replacement for timely, competent medical advice and attention.
Alpha Omega highly recommends that prior to usage, the user
obtain a biopsy or other diagnosis of the suspected
cancer site. On the basis of reliable diagnosis and in conjunction
with medical consultation, the user may then make the decision
as to whether or not to use the Cansema system.
Cansema, because of its ability to discriminate between healthy
and cancerous tissue, is often used simultaneously as both a diagnostic
tool and a skin cancer remedy, but we do not recommend this use,
simply because skin cancer is sometimes a by-product of other
pathological condition(s) that should be attended to by a
competent physician.

Information and order instructions on Cansema are broken down
as follows:
Cansema is a miraculous product
with a miraculous history with roots that go back to the late 19th century.
Only suppression and greed have prevented its
enormous benefits from being made available to the mainstream.
How Cansema
Works: A quick
pictorial demonstration.
Cansema will never be openly approved
in the West.
Using Cansema in conjunction with...
These instructions are for both users and physicians.
You should not use this product unless you are willing
to take the time and read through the instructions
thoroughly. If you overuse or abuse this product, you could
be dealing with serious pain management issues.
Of physiological response.
Importance of keeping
photos & journal of your progress.
Of people with cancer -- just like you.
See the testimonial section above.
Given how many tens of thousands of people have been helped by Cansema
(and Amazon)
products, it is amazing how many comments have come back to us that
have never made their way into written form. For this reason, we
have a testimonial submissions
page to make it easier for people to feel comfortable submitting
their comments. On this page you can determine the level of secrecy
or privacy that you want in submitting your comments, in addition
to the comments themselves.
Cansema® Salve
May 8, 2017
Why Orthodoxy &
The Main Stream Media
Can Not & Will Not
Give Escharotics A Fair
& Objective Evaluation
'Medical News' As A
Subset Of 'Fake News':
When 'Medical Authorities'
Behave Like 'Shock Jocks'
 Friends were stunned last month
when I agreed to be interviewed by
Dr. Mehmet Oz in April (2017) for an
episode of Dr. Oz that airs on May 10. There is no associate of mine
who didn't know that this was "ambush journalism" in the making.
In a comprehensive rebuttal, I provide
my justification, along with a refutation of orthodoxy's arguments
against this ancient naturopathic practice.
 If you are dealing with
a malignant growth that is larger than a quarter inch (0.64 cm.),
you may wish to pay a few dollars extra and pick up a bottle
of Izulant (tm), one of three of our ant
tinctures -- used for centuries in the Amazon to kill aches
and pain. (See also, our pain management
CansemaŽ is now featured in Dr.
Allan Spreen's new book, Tomorrow's Cancer Cures Today : 25 Secret
Therapies from Around the World -- it is the subject of Chapter 18 ("The Herbal Salve That Saved an Astronaut").
information and order link.
 To avoid purchasing
counterfeit versions of our product, please read our
for Fake Product page.
We are proud
to announce a new and improved Cansema Tonic III,
which combines the escharotic action of the original
(Tonic I), which we first
introduced in 1995 when this website was created,
with the less caustic cancerolytic formula,
Cansema Tonic III, which we sold
from 1999 to 2003.
Click here if you are a U.S. resident and are interested in a product similar to our
Cansema Tonic III.
For Cansema
Salve or any of the internal versions, we cannot
stress enough the importance of reading instructions.
The instructions for the salve
are simple and straightforward, as they are for the
internal products. Additionally, we stress the
importance of reading through the Cansema
FAQ section, which contains close to forty of the
most frequently asked questions about these products.
This site also contains very recent
testimonials from end users such as yourself
concerning their personal use of Cansema.
The Importance of
Immune Support
 Two people are taking
internal Cansema products. Their cancers and the stage of development
are identical. One is getting great results, and the other is not.
Why is that? According to the clinicians we work with, it almost
always points back to the immune system. The internal versions of
Cansema, in particular, see lower levels of effectiveness in those
who have depleted immune systems - a common by-product of chemo
and radiation therapy as well as the disease state itself.

A Word About
Fungating Tumors
 There are a number of vendors online
who openly recommend the use of "Black Salve" to treat what are known as
ulcerating or "fungating" wounds, ulcers, or tumors.
The standard definition of a fungating lesion or tumor is:
"A type of skin lesion that is marked by ulcerations (breaks on the skin or surface of an organ)
and necrosis (death of living tissue) and that usually has a bad smell. This kind of lesion may occur
in many types of cancer, including breast cancer, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma,
and especially in advanced disease." We sometimes see it as surface growths with almost a cauliflower-type
appearance. It comprises a very small minority of cancers, but its numbers have increased in
recent years. Regardless, your physician can help you determine if you have a growth that is
 We have had reports of cases that benefited from the
use of Cansema. But we have also seen cases that did not improve, and in some cases, got
worse. For this reason, we very actively discourage the use of
Cansema, Black Salve, or any other escharotic material in the treatment of any
fungating lesion or growth, regardless of original cell type.